Replace Methylene Chloride for industrial cleaning & degreasing
What is Methylene Chloride? Methylene chloride, or dichloromethane (DCM), is a colorless, volatile chemical with a sweet odor. It is widely used in various consumer and commercial applications, including adhesives, sealants, automotive products, paint removers,
Washing Aluminum Crank Cases (824)
Customer: Tier II Stamper/ Assembler (Automotive) Item to Clean: Stamped steel parts Contamination: Water soluble stamping lube Cleanliness Required: Visually clean Dryness Required: 100% dry Production Rate: 5,400
Applying rust preventative (1011)
Customer: Customer is a fabricator in many fields including agriculture and Construction Item to Clean: Misc. parts from Wheel blasting machine Contamination: None applying water based RP Cleanliness Required: Applying
Removing water soluble coolant and light soils #1080
Customer: A manufacturer of pistons for conventional fuel as well as more obscure applications like ammonia, hydrogen, and methanol. Item to Clean: Friction welded Pistons, Machine will accommodate up to an 8" diameter
Spray Parts Washers
Effective parts cleaning plays a critical role in various industries. From automotive and manufacturing to aerospace and medical sectors, clean parts are essential for optimal performance, reliability, and safety. Contaminants such as dirt, grease,
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Parts Cleaning
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems are used in various industries to power machines and equipment. To function properly, these systems use various components, such as pumps, valves, cylinders, and hoses. However, during their use